Testing metal structures against liquid pressure.
Analyzing strength-based structures.
Density to liquid environment testing.
Xr439 Tech is a leading metal to liquid testing. We specialize in density software analysis, grip tonnage hold, and height based structures in stand-alone fields.
Our core engineering team is comprised of highly trained professionals with a diverse background in science liquid erosion. Also, our structural department employs mechanical and technical engineers at the highest level. Each engineer has field experience.
Each project begins with our team identifying weak and vulnerable points in your structure. With this in mind, we mine the local area for natural contaminants and swell off. In some geographical regions, our focus is on radon and like sources.
XR43 is a propriety software testing platform we developed for the US Navy and heavy tonnage crafts. After much success, we applied the same principles to structural support, oil rigging, high-beams, and outdoor congrams.
Kenneth Craine Jr. is a managing partner and a science nerd. His background comes from the science division of 3M. His expertise is creating and combating rapid corrosion. Kenneth.CraineJr@xr439.tech
Simone Wang is a managing partner, and a liquid engineer whose background comes from Gonzalez & Pine's ocean research in San Diego. Simone is currently in practice with the Finley Fellowship award in Bali. Simone.Wang@xr439.tech
Bill Wang is a managing partner and a mechanical engineer who works with air quality to metal testing. Bill has a strong background in identifying structural deviation. Bill works hands on, on all projects. Bill.Wang@xr439.tech
Vearani is our Singapore/UK liaison and manager of EU directives. He leads clients into new contract commitments that focus on the necessary practices of level 3 exploration.
Kumar is our lead permits and logistics expert. In addition, he works with new companies seeking alternative oil exploration in C57 Zones. Kumar handles Singapore and Malaysia.
Joseph manages the cross-over departments of both software and hardware technology. His team test all new technology to assure customers of performance and satisfaction. Joseph comes to us from DD5 Tech Industries in Brussels. JoesphG.RaymondJr@xr439.tech
Bradley has been with xr439 since its inception. He is the director of logistical affairs in oil and natural energies. His team maps locations and does data analysis for the fourteen-year turnover in oil development.
Abdul is our London logistics supervisor. He Works with Western European clients tracking the LR224 Gateway commitments. He is T5TH7 certified and Trans-Euro listed. Abdul.Alim@xr439.tech
Aleema is the scheduling supervisor for Singapore and Malaysia. Please get in touch with her for all changes, heavy equipment deliveries, and structural testing.
Andy is software support; for any issues, please contact him at Software@xr439.tech.
Hannah is our compliance officer; she has extensive cross-border government experience. Hannah.Laporte@xr439.tech.
For all account questions, contact Simone.Raymond@xr439.tech.
Bill supervises the lubricant design team specializing in water pressure testing against hard metals and is GR475N certified. Please contact Bill for pressure issues.
Albert is our tech support leader. He specializes in all software issues, as well as ice wiring. Albert.Beltrin@XR439.tech
Bastien is our mechanical testing manager. He works both the hardware and software end of maintenance with triggered development LG 49 installations. Bastien.Laporte@xr439.Tech
Marc Hafkin, lcs is an expert in our xr439 cyber software. Please contact him for support. Marc.Hafkin@xr439.tech
Lee is a Technical Writer who specializes in software development. He has written all of our software and hardware manuals. Any questions manual related, please direct them to Lee. Lee.Morrison@xr439.tech
Contact Janice for system scheduling.
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